Welcome to the home of Studio Pig and Fish!

“Have nothing in your home you do not believe to be
useful or beautiful.”- William Morris

As an artist, it is vital for me to live in a space that inspires and ignites creativity. Our homes are the inner most reflection of ourselves, mirroring the very soul of our being. I am passionate and deeply committed to my life as an artist and my home is an integrated extension of that life. It is in and of itself a design and sculpture of my own creation.

For as long as I can remember I’ve been drawn to architectural design and how the external influences the internal space. The dance between the exterior and interior has always been fascinating to me. As with art itself, the possibilities there are unlimited.

I love to play with everything from color, texture, form and structure, to the way light and shadows dance through a space. I feel grateful that I not only had the opportunity to design this home but I was able to work alongside the contractor to build it from the foundation up. I raised the walls, laid the floors, designed and built the cabinets and trim-work. To design something on paper and then see it take form was such an incredible experience for me. It really brought the sculpture to life.

In my art and living space, as with the Yin/Yang principle, one informs and influences the other. To me that is balanced living. This feeling of wellbeing that comes from living and working in a well-designed space is core for me as an artist. I’m thrilled that this is my life and I’m excited to share the experience in hopes to inspire others!

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